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6 Ways To Create A Healthy Home

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 01.03.2021

  1. Start In The Kitchen – Fill your pantry with food options that have the least possible preservatives and manufacturing processing. Non-perishables such a beans and lentils are ideal and have endless delicious recipes they can be incorporated into. Fill your fridge with fresh vegetables and move any junk food into a hard-to-reach cabinet as well.
  2. Lights, Camera, Action! – Remove any fluorescent tube lighting and any light bulbs that are cool in tone. Warm light is best for your eyes and LED lights are best for your electricity bill.
  3. Create A Fitness Zone – Whether it is an entire room with professional workout equipment or a corner of a room with jugs of water and a rebounder, make it a priority to regularly visit this space. Increasing your heart rate regularily can add years to your life.
  4. Decompression Space – Again, whether it is an entire room with Himalayan salt lamps and essential oils or a yoga matt near a window, a space to destress is essential to healthy living. Whatever stress management tools are most effective to you, should always be readily available in your home.
  5. Proper Air Quality – Always stay on top of the humidity and airflow in your home. If weather permitting, open the windows every now and then for some fresh air. House plants are a wonderful conduit to support proper air quality in a home as well.
  6. Bedroom Energy – Remove all electronics from your bedroom, especially if you find that you have been struggling with insomnia. Televisions, tablets and phones can seem like down time activities but the blue light stresses out the eyes and mind.