tanyalarose@live.com 306-380-7325



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10 Tips To Protecting Your Home While Away On Vacation

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 01.02.2018

1.      Arrange for someone to shovel the walkway or mow the lawn – this will give the impression that the home is being kept.

2.      Inform your post office that you will be away for an extended period of time – nothing screams “nobody is home” louder than an overflowing mailbox.

3.      Set timers – exterior lighting, TV’s, music players, and anything else that can be automatically turned on without your presence is a great deterrent to anybody who might be watching your house.

4.      Do not leave a copy of the key anywhere outside – these can very easily be found by burglars who know all of the “typical” hiding spots.

5.      Do not close all of the curtains – especially if you normally leave them open, you will want to close a few and leave some open with clear view of light or TV on.

6.      Alert your alarm company – so they can be sure to send the police immediately upon any alerts, and if you do not have an alarm you can call around to a few companies to see if they have any specials going on like free installation prior to your departure.

7.      Lower your thermostat or air condition – in order to prevent an unnecessarily high bill upon your return, but if it is very cold outside you will want to take necessary precautions that the pipes do not freeze.

8.      Have someone check in on the house – in case emergency access is needed or even just to water the plants, it is ideal to leave a trusted friend or family member with a copy of the key.

9.      Turn your phone GPS off – as various apps publically identify your location automatically and may leave your empty house vulnerable to people you do not personally know.

10.   Minimize social media – because broadcasting that you are in miles away from your home defeats the purpose of many of the aforementioned precautionary measures you may have taken.

5 Major Fails When Staging Your Home To Sell

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 02.10.2017

Home staging is often referred to as the lipstick of a home, it is not entirely a necessity but it can add 10X the appeal in terms of visual triggers. Especially considering the proven value it brings in selling a home by attracting more showings, minimizing the amount of time the home spends on the market, and maximizing the final sale price. Using professional staging as a marketing tool can be especially beneficial in down markets when a $2,000 staging package can save you $10,000 in price reductions. However, this attractive visual trigger can quickly become a deterrent. Much like lipstick stained teeth, certain things are never acceptable because you only get one chance for a first impression. Of course there are always exceptions, but these are the rules in avoiding disastrous home staging.

  1. The “Lived In” Look – No such thing exists in effective staging. The way you place the furniture to live in your home is much different than the way you place the furniture to sell your home.
  2. Severally Out Dated – Staging can be completed in many varying styles. However, if your home was built in 1960 and it has never had any interior upgrading, you are better off to allocate your staging dollars into getting rid of those shag carpet walls (Yes, they do exist!).
  3. Much Too Small – It’s not the size of the staging, but the size of the home that can be a deal breaker. If your home is less than approximately 800 square feet, you are better off to leave it vacant so that it is represented in its most spacious looking state.
  4. Lacking Cohesiveness – It is almost never necessary to stage every room in a home. You want potential buyers to draw inspiration from the rooms that are staged and still be able to view vacant rooms in order to visualize their own furniture. However, each staged room must be consistency in staging density, colours, and style. A flow during the walk-through must be evident, one way to achieve this is through the use of strategically chosen and placed accessories.
  5. The Cheaper Route – If you or the staging company you hired has a comforter laying over a set of cardboard boxes in the shape of a bed, save your money and leave it vacant. Bad staging is worse than no staging!

Contact award-winning REALTOR®, and the owner of www.upstaginginteriordesigns.com, Tanya LaRose for more information on how to effectively stage your home for a successful sale.



Tanya LaRose 0 comments 03.02.2017

Home staging is an age old selling technique that is finally reaching mainstream media. Studies show that staged homes sell in a shorter period of time and for a higher amount than homes that are not staged. Both vacant and fully-furnished home can benefit from professional staging. It is important to know that staging does not cast a wide net hoping to attract random buyers. The following are areas that an effective consultation with a staging professional will result in:

  1. The staging must assess the style of the home to correctly coordinate it with appropriate furniture and accessories that will appeal the most to the target buyer.
  2. The staging will present a lifestyle to the target buyer that aligns with their needs, wants, and aspirations which results in more pliability during negotiations.
  3. The staging will present your home in the same way multi-million dollar companies sell their products, without lack, in an attractive manner ready to be marketed by your real estate agent through photography and showings.
  4. The staging will provide a warm and welcoming environment during in-person showings that will results in potential buyers falling in love with the home.
  5. The staging will include elimination of buyer deterrents such as dirtiness, clutter, repairs, updates needed, and smells (among other things) while replacing them with attractive items such as luxurious soaps, scented candles, and fresh flowers.

Common Misconceptions About Real Estate Agents

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 16.11.2016


  1. You will hurt an agent’s feelings if you tell them you are already working to another agent. – When other agent’s approach you, the biggest courtesy you can show is by immediately making it clear that you already have representation. Additionally, you will sabotage your results if you attempt to work with several agents – nobody wins.
  2. Your agent gets a kick back from mortgage lenders, home inspectors, and other professionals they refer you to. – It is actually against the law for a REALTOR® to make any secret profit or receive remunerations from anyone other than their client without their client’s fully informed consent. The remuneration is prohibited from two sources: the other party to the transaction and a third party.
  3. If you pay less on commission, you will make more on your house. – Discount brokerages push this message but the truth is that the commission paid goes into the quality of advertising and expertise that is proven to bring higher offers. Like anything else, you get what you pay for.
  4. You will get a better deal if you buy directly from the seller’s agent. – Untrue. The seller’s agent is under fiduciary duties to protect the best interest of the seller. Although there is the option to agree to dual agency, you will most likely get a better deal if you have your own buying representation to negotiate on your behalf. Plus, you aren't responsible for the buying agent fees!
  5. Real estate agents say anything to make a sale – It is against the law for REALTORS® to make false statements or misrepresentations. By failing to disclose all material facts, the real estate agent is subject to punishment ranging from substantial fines to the loss of their license. Although there are bad apples in every bunch, any reputable agent will not risk this.

Home Owner Tip #823 – Fall Lawn Care

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 08.09.2016

With the fall season fast approaching, have you given any thought into selling your home in the spring? To successfully sell a home, it must stand out among the competition. Do yourself a favor and prioritize your fall lawn care, this will have a noticeable impact on what your lawn will look like in the spring. Curb appeal is a huge factor in attracting buyers and if you follow these steps, your house is sure to stand out among the rest.

  1. You must aerate to allow fertilizer, sunlight, water, and nutrients to reach deep into the dirt through the hole produced by the aeration.
  2. You must then fertilize to feed your lawn before it goes to sleep during the winter season.
  3. If you really want the most luscious lawn, you must then over seed the lawn by spreading new grass seed all over your existing lawn.
  4. Lastly, you will want to mow your lawn one last time, so the grass is as short as possible without scalping the lawn, sometime around November. This last step will help the first three steps work better.