tanyalarose@live.com 306-380-7325


Real Estate

Category : Real Estate

10 Tips To Protecting Your Home While Away On Vacation

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 01.02.2018

1.      Arrange for someone to shovel the walkway or mow the lawn – this will give the impression that the home is being kept.

2.      Inform your post office that you will be away for an extended period of time – nothing screams “nobody is home” louder than an overflowing mailbox.

3.      Set timers – exterior lighting, TV’s, music players, and anything else that can be automatically turned on without your presence is a great deterrent to anybody who might be watching your house.

4.      Do not leave a copy of the key anywhere outside – these can very easily be found by burglars who know all of the “typical” hiding spots.

5.      Do not close all of the curtains – especially if you normally leave them open, you will want to close a few and leave some open with clear view of light or TV on.

6.      Alert your alarm company – so they can be sure to send the police immediately upon any alerts, and if you do not have an alarm you can call around to a few companies to see if they have any specials going on like free installation prior to your departure.

7.      Lower your thermostat or air condition – in order to prevent an unnecessarily high bill upon your return, but if it is very cold outside you will want to take necessary precautions that the pipes do not freeze.

8.      Have someone check in on the house – in case emergency access is needed or even just to water the plants, it is ideal to leave a trusted friend or family member with a copy of the key.

9.      Turn your phone GPS off – as various apps publically identify your location automatically and may leave your empty house vulnerable to people you do not personally know.

10.   Minimize social media – because broadcasting that you are in miles away from your home defeats the purpose of many of the aforementioned precautionary measures you may have taken.

The “Lucky 7” Resolutions To Buying Your First Home In 2018

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 02.01.2018

  1. Consult A Reputable Mortgage Broker – Your current situation will be evaluated (free of charge) and you will be given instructions on how to get approved for a mortgage.
  2. Monitor Your Credit Score – You can log onto a credit score website like Equifax to evaluate your score without penalty, then increase your score by working out a payment plan for any outstanding payments or keeping up with minimum payments on current credit cards.
  3. Do Not Take Out Any New Credit – Forget about financing a new vehicle or getting another credit card, these will work against your debt ratio and credit score.
  4. Consider Options For Your Down Payment – There are many options for a down payment like a borrowed down payment, gifted down payment, RRSP contribution, vendor assisted down payment, grant program assistance, as well as good old fashion saving.
  5. Consolidate Your Debt – You mortgage broker may recommend consolidating your debt to better organize your finances and lower payments.
  6. Save For Additional Costs – The down payment is not the only upfront cost to purchasing your home, you will want to have extra money available for the lawyer fee, title transfer, home insurance, and any other unexpected costs that may come up.
  7. Consult A Reputable REALTOR® – It is important to have counsel on how to prepare for purchasing, and what to expect, once your finances are in order and you are ready to start looking at homes.

How To Find All Of The Best Listings

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 01.11.2017

  1. Contact Your REALTOR® To Connect You Directly To The MLS® System – Instead of sifting through hundreds of listings, you can get all of the listings within your criteria automatically emailed to you. It is the ideal way to keep an eye on the market, becoming familiar with what to expect in in the different price ranges and value per neighborhood.
  2. Avoid Depending On Local Search Engines – The vast majority of local search engines do not carry all of the properties listed for sale. In order for a website to have access to all of the listings on MLS® they require authorization from the local real estate board.

(Note: www.tanyalarose.com is equipped with a complete IDX search engine for user access to all listings)

  1. Opt For National Search Engines – However you must be aware they do not reflect listing history. What appears to be a new listing may have been previously listed a number of times. Other details such as previous sales, amount of price changes, etc. are not accessible on these search engines either.
  2. Follow The Various Multi-Media Streams Of Your Favorite REALTOR® – An active agent will advertise all of their newest listings as soon as they hit the market, or sometimes even before they hit the market. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+, for example, are a great place to cherry-pick.
  3. Ask Your REALTOR® To Find A Specific Listing For You – Many great properties get sold before they ever make it to MLS® so be sure to have an industry insider looking for exclusive listings and back pocket listings on your behalf.

5 Ways To Win Big In A Buyer’s Market

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 01.08.2017

  1. Be Prepared – Attractive buyer’s hold the most power in any real estate transaction. These ideal buyer’s are pre-approved for a mortgage and have no other home to sell or have an accepted offer on their current home. By preparing accordingly, it increases your chances of getting the property you want on the terms you want.
  2. Be Watchful – Even in a down market, nice homes that are priced well do not last long. Your real estate agent can connect you to the MLS® system so that you will automatically receive new listings within a desired criteria. Receiving this information in real time will give you an upper hand over other competing buyer’s not utilizing an agent or this service. Combine this with a readily available real estate agent and you will secure your new home in no time!
  3. Be Informed – Before deciding on an amount to offer, you will want to know what other similar properties in the area have sold for so you are not overpaying. Real estate agents have such statistics at their fingertips, so be sure you discuss fair market value with your agent before submitting an offer.
  4. Be Strategic – Once you have found the property you would like to further pursue, find out how long it has been on the market and how many times it has been listed without selling in the last couple of years. This information is easily accessible to your real estate agent and is vital in negotiations.
  5. Be Creative – There is more than one way to increase monetary value in your real estate purchase than through price alone. If you are buying a house and the seller will not budge on price, your real estate agent can negotiate other inclusions such as a replacing old windows, re-shingling a roof, or improving another feature unique to the house. The implications of this negotiating technique can be tricky, so you will need to work closely with your real estate agent on this one.

For more information on how to successfully maneuver in a buyer’s market, contact Tanya LaRose with RE/MAX Saskatoon at 306-380-7325.

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The “Unlucky” Home Owner – 13 Reasons Why Your Home Is Not Selling

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 19.04.2017

  1. Pricing Too High – You know it is too high, your REALTOR® told you it was too high, but you practice “the law of attraction” so you are convinced it will sell $25,000 above market value. Start out at the right price so you can avoid chasing the market which typically results in a lower selling price, especially in a smaller market.
  2. Shortcuts For Necessary Home Repairs – You may think you have a chance at fooling a potential first-time home buyer but shoddy repairs will not fool an expert home inspector. Hire a professional for repairs to ensure you are not giving the buyer viable reasons to request a price reduction.
  3. Refusing To Be Inconvenienced – Did you just work a 12 hour night shift? Do you have 6 children to clean up after? Are you extremely hungover? Regardless of the reason, it is important to ensure your home is clean and tidy prior to every showing. Additionally, please vacate the home for every showing!
  4. Disregarding Deadlines – Did you end up listing your family home in October when your REALTOR® advised you to list it 3 months prior to September to appeal to new families coming to the neighborhood for school? The entire process of selling a home is full of deadlines that can make or break a sale so be ready to cater to such timelines.
  5. Lacking/Incorrect Staging – Leaving your worn out sectional in the living room or a table set from the 70’s in the kitchen will only hurt the sale of your home. Cheap furniture will bring a cheap offer.
  6. Improper Lighting – If you leave the blinds drawn and have yet to replace 4 burnt out light bulbs, this may be effecting your home appeal. Most people want to live in a well-lit home.
  7. Too Personal – Do you keep hundreds of family photos or have a life-sized nude sculpture on display? You need to remove anything too personal or offensive and present a neutral palette to potential buyers.
  8. Bad Photography – Are the pictures advertising your home dark lit with a dog running through the house and the toilet seat up? The photos should be taken with minimal distractions, showcasing the homes best features, using correct angles, and retouched in editing.
  9. Stubbornness – Did you refuse an offer that was $2000 lower than your bottom line and the buyer walked away? Did you just buy that brand new freezer that the buyers are requesting to include in the purchase? Maintain flexibility when you enter into negotiations and remember the bigger picture which is getting rid of the first home so you can enjoy a new location!
  10. Sentimentalism – Selling your home can be one of the most emotionally charged tasks you will ever experience. Your home is full of precious memories that you will never get back but when you decide to sell your home you must also decide to let go of any emotional attachment you may have to the house.
  11. The Wrong Representation – Putting a sign on the front lawn does not sell a house. Make sure you talk to your REALTOR® about their sale strategies, social media presence, possible promotions, and how often they will be available to you.
  12. Minimal Online Presence – Nowadays the internet is the first place over 90% of buyer’s go to search for a home. A good REALTOR® will have a strong social media presence on multiple platforms, utilize Search Engine Optimization, and pay for ads.
  13. For Sale By Owner – Unless you want to wear a hat for the next month you probably should not cut your own hair just because you have your own scissors. The same goes for real estate, hire a professional for optimal results. You might be paying $15,000 in commissions but you may also be selling for $30,000 more than you would have without the expertise of a REALTOR®.

How To Support Local Business

Tanya LaRose 0 comments 12.07.2016

The foundation of any successful local business can be attributed to the support it receives from the community. I have never paid for reviews or testimonials, and do not pressure my clients into providing such. However, I stumbled across a letter of recommendation that I was absolutely elated to receive. It was a great form of support and a reminder that hard work does not go unnoticed.

"The Whitecap Development Corporation believes in developing partnerships that bring skill and experience to task for successful projects. In 2015, based on demonstrated professionalism and skill-set, the real estate services of licensed REALTOR® Tanya LaRose were requested for a project. Upon request, Tanya promptly completed a Market Appraisal for the property and discussed effective pricing to maximize value while still attracting potential buyers. In a matter of days, the property was on MLS® and receiving inquiries. As our representation, she created and implemented a marketing strategy specific to the type of location of the property. During the sale process, we received consistent market updates, detailed feedback from each showing, and advice on how to improve showing quality accordingly. The property was initially vacant, but Tanya took the initiative to stage it with furniture to attract more buyers. Two weeks after staging, an offer was received, promptly delivered for decision, and ultimately accepted. Overall, the services provided proved to be calculated and effective. The Whitecap Development Corporation welcomes positive business relationships with entities practicing a high standard of service such as that provided by Tanya LaRose."

To the Whitecap Development Corporation, and all of my other past, present and future clients – THANK YOU.

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